
End of Term 1

 Wow! This Term has flown by! We have had so much fun in Room 7 making friends, learning new things and exploring all the things around us.  We read about the Giant's Ice-cream and talked about what our favourite ice-cream is, yum yum! We we were lucky enough to have someone from St Johns visit and teach us some new skills.  We went swimming. It was so much fun.  We have been learning how to skip. We visited Merle Lesk! We did some awesome Easter activities.  We have been learning to make patterns.  We have been learning about Autumn. We did some fast running at Cross Country. 

Weeks 3-5!

We have drawn some self portraits! We are so clever! We did some awesome valentines art for our loved ones 💜 We have been enjoying our Kai for Kids meals! We have been learning to work together. Here we are solving a puzzle and learning through play. Look at how good we are getting at writing our names! We have been learning new ICT skills! We got creative decorating our special place pictures! We had a blast on our water afternoon! We are using our listening skills to do some yoga!

A Fantastic Start to 2024!

2024 has been fantastic so far. We have loved meeting our new friends and exploring our new school. There is so much to learn!  Here are our wonderful Room 7 friends so far. We have been doing awesome art. We have been exploring our shapes in maths. We have been doing some great handwriting. We have been learning through play based activities. We have been trying our best in everything we do. We have visited our wonderful school library.  We celebrated our first week at school!